The Infrastructure and Jobs Act and Carbon Capture

by Micah Bucy Now that President Biden has signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, long awaited projects from clean water to broadband internet to highway improvements can begin. The Jobs Act also provides up to $8 billion in funds for activities related to...

What Does The New Infrastructure Bill Mean For You

What Does The New Infrastructure Bill Mean For You? Or How Do I Get the Infrastructure Funds? Judith Cassel, Esq. – Hawke McKeon & Sniscak, LLP November 9, 2021 The new Infrastructure bill, officially named the Infrastructure, Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA –...

$2.5 Billion for Community Solar?

The media is awash in stories that tout the costs and/or potential beneficiaries of President Biden’s social agenda bill and the accompanying infrastructure bill. Amid these debates, however, regardless of your position, it is easy to gloss over some of the priorities...